Thursday 21 April 2016

The Way of Love

I think sometimes that we have lost our way in the Western church. It seems the most important thing is growing in our Biblical knowledge. Biblical knowledge is essential to our faith but it seems that growing in Biblical knowledge has for many become the measure of their Christian growth. Sadly it is not and I know of many extremely Biblically knowledgeable people whose lives leave much to be desired. Biblical knowledge is not the way of Jesus.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Images Vs Real People

Where ever we go today we are continually bombarded with images of beautiful people, celebrities, sport stars, people who have “made it” through the media. The message that comes with these images is that these are the people who you should be like, who we should aspire to emulate, the people by whom we should measure our own worth. Many of us may deny this, saying to ourselves that they mean nothing to us yet I think if we look deep within ourselves we would discover a longing that we could be as beautiful, popular, athletic, successful, articulate, influential, etc. as they are.  Many of us may feel that our lives aren’t all that consequential, that we are just making the best of it, doing our duty, maybe making little contributions here and there but for the most part as we look back on our lives little if anything really stands out. 

Friday 1 April 2016

Love Calls for Rootedness

Our family moved to London 10 years ago and the longest we have lived in any one place is two years. Renting in London is precarious and expensive. Two years ago we moved into 53 St Margarets as renters. A couple weeks ago our lease came up for renewal and our landlord offered a two year lease with no rate increase. This is unheard of in London. So it looks as though we will at least live 4 years in one place. This is especially significant with what we are learning about being rooted in a place.